Functional Medicine Services/Pricing

Direct Primary Care (DPC)

At this time, this service is full

**We will be reopening for new patients starting April 1, 2025**

We will be reopening our DPC membership: Roots DPC by NVH under Dr. Haque starting  April 1, 2025. 


Functional Medicine Packages without DPC:

**These packages do not include primary care or membership services 
Scheduling the initial visit in any package does not commit you to the package.  During the initial visit, we will discuss together whether the package is appropriate and whether you would like to continue with it. Lab testing will be done with packages only.

We do NOT work for insurance, and hence do not take payment through them.  For more information on why, please see our section here.  We can provide super-bills to patients.  Patients can submit these to insurance if their insurance offers reimbursement. We will still submit labs and prescriptions through your insurance for you.

State laws require patients to be in Virginia during their telemedicine visits.

We accept all patients ages 18 and above.

We have completed our OPT OUT of Medicare process. This means if you have Medicare, we can see you, but you will need to sign an agreement stating you understand we have opted out of Medicare and that you will not submit our charges to Medicare for reimbursement (nor will we). Please see our section on Medicare under FAQs.  If you are Medicare eligible, you can schedule with Dr. Haque now and will be able to schedule with Rachel Shelton starting October 2024.



Access/Quick Link to the significantly reduced prices on high grade supplements:

Gut Restoration/SIBO Treatment

Gastrointestinal health is the cornerstone of your overall health, with large impacts on your immune system, systemic inflammation, energy levels, mood/cognition/sleep, anxiety/depression, hormonal health, and much more.

We assess your gastrointestinal microbiome, evaluate diets/nutrition*, treat cases of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), Intestinal Methanogen Overgrowth (IMO), and create protocols to heal and rebalance the gut.  

This package is particularly useful if you are dealing with reflux, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, gas, abdominal pain/discomfort or have a diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome or an autoimmune condition.  It is also beneficial if you are interested in improving your overall health or as the first step to addressing hormonal imbalances.

*meal planning/nutritionist care is not included

Hormonal Health

This package is particularly useful if you are dealing with PCOS, insomnia, poor stress resilience, PMS, painful periods, fibroids, irregular periods, peri-menopausal symptoms, or cyclical migraines.

Via changes in diet and lifestyle, personalized nutritional supplements, and comprehensive hormonal testing, we build a protocol for you to help rebalance your hormones and improve hormonal health.


Metabolic Function/

Nutrient Deficiencies

We combine a detailed assessment of your medical history, lifestyle and diet, clinical symptoms, blood work, and organic acid testing to provide targeted treatment recommendations.  Using organic acid testing, we look at your personalized metabolic function, needs, and deficiencies.  This test assesses whether your body is getting and able to use the nutrients it needs for optimal health.


This 2 visit package is great for getting recommendations to supplements personalized to your body’s needs for weight loss, fatigue, depression/anxiety, or other complex health issues, giving you a focused starting point tailored to where your body is showing deficiencies.

Single Visit 

Functional Medicine Consultation

This single consultation includes obtaining a detailed history of your story, reviewing any prior labs/records you provide in advance, and providing our medical recommendations regarding your symptoms, recommended next steps in work ups and potential treatment pathways. We provide a suggested treatment course that you can take back to your medical providers to implement. 

If you choose to add a package, this visit can be counted as your first visit in any of the functional packages. We will deduct the cost of this paid visit fee from the package total.